November 8, 2017
I missed two work sessions in October so I may miss some work activities. I went out to Ohio to meet with the owner of our future tool car. While there I met the mechanic who will be performing the initial work on the car prior to its trip to Albuquerque.
The car has good “bones”, but much TLC will be required along with a considerable amount of electrical work once it is here.
Thanks to Bob D. for performing the CMO duty while I was gone and also for finishing the cab windows.
Several volunteers have been working on our in-house forge headed up by Ron T. and Bob M. Testing of the burners is ongoing. They plan to add another burner.
Smoke box insulation has begun. Solid insulation has been installed on top which woven ceramic fiber will cover everything else. Crews are also working on the cylinder insulation and their jacketing.
The MU wiring has been installed in conduit on the tender along with the three receptacles. Wire connections to the receptacles began at this time. We are awaiting the delivery of another MU. Conduit for the engine is being readied for installation under the cab.
The saturated steam pipes from the steam dome to the turret are scheduled to be installed this week.
Workers have been installing condensate drain pipes from the two dynamos. Those pipes will also enable lay-up operations.
Some of the trailing truck brake shoe hangers are in need of new pins. The old ones are being refurbished with new bushings turned out in the machine shop.
The three safety valves were installed last week. Thanks again to 3751’s Bob K. for overseeing their overhaul out in California.
Stack lifter piping is complete and tested. This piping had to be routed around several obstacles to get back to the cab valve.
The general membership meeting this Saturday will begin at 8:30 AM sharp.
According to the website trackers there are nearly 10,000 people who regularly visit. As many of you know we are currently engaged in a GoFundMe program for our future tool car. If each person could donate $10.00 we would have enough funds to complete the repairs and convert the former AT&SF baggage car to at tool car. Those of you who can donate more please do so to offset the 2926 followers who choose not to donate. Those of you who have already donated we appreciate it very much. If you send a check directly to our PO Box be sure to designate it as a “Tool Car Donation”.
Fall is definitely in the air, so come out this week and enjoy the cool air, and as always Hope to see everyone at the site this week, and as always . . .
Keep on Steamin’,
Rick Kirby, CMO