August 17, 2015
This past week’s work sessions were much like the last two weeks. Outside of a few projects the tasks are mostly repetitive. Fabricating and installing broken stud bolts, cleaning and painting various parts, replacing air brake lever bushings and flushing lube lines are all ongoing projects.
Connecting pipes for the power reverse were located, cleaned and inspected. The flexible hose unions were salvaged and the hoses were sent to the hose shop so new ones could be fabricated. There are many more flexible hoses that will need to be sent off as well.
Temporary electrical schematics for the entire locomotive have been completed. They were sent off to have official line drawings produced.
With all the recent rains weeds have taken over several areas of our restoration site. Volunteers are removing them in preparation for the upcoming Open House to be held on September 26, 2015 from 9-4. Be sure to tell your friends and neighbors to come see how we’re doing on that special day for our organization.
Hopefully this week we’ll get some relief from this heat wave we’ve been under. Come to work and wear your sunscreen and drink lots of water to hydrate yourselves.
Hope to see everyone at the site this week, and as always . . .
Keep on Steamin’,
Rick Kirby, CMO