August 5, 2014
Volunteers have begun incrementally raising the engineer’s side crosshead guide to position it for tramming. Several of the large nuts are in hard to get to places. One more device will be fabricated to check the proper alignment of the crosshead slide.
Our lubrication line flushing equipment is being put to work on the trailing truck axle guides.
The two foam meter probes were brushed clean of minerals deposited years ago then placed in storage.
Hole beveling for the replacement staybolt and sleeves is complete. The new sleeves will be aligned to the inner holes and tacked in place. This will enable us to get an exact length measurement for the new staybolts.
Cleaning and painting of various obscure areas of the locomotive continues and will do so for the near future.
Considerable progress was made on the merchandise store. When complete it will save much time since all items will remain set up for viewing whenever we are on site.
The locomotive side of the radial buffer was removed, cleaned and serviced. One of the grease fittings was broken off so it was replaced.
Superheater fabrication is on-going and we are running out of storage space. A few items were relocated and a second support rack was erected in the container.
Our General Membership Meeting is this Saturday at 7:30 so come early to help set up if you can.
Hope to see you at the site this week, and as always . . .
Keep on Steamin’,
Rick Kirby, CMO