July 8, 2014
Last week’s work began on Sunday with a trip to Williams, AZ to retrieve the reconditioned crosshead assembly’s. The work was done professionally by the Grand Canyon Railway staff. This job was a daunting task and one which had to be done by experts outside our volunteer organization. GCRY is just one of the several organizations performing critical tasks required for a successful restoration. We greatly appreciate their assistance on this job.
The assembly’s were delivered to the site Wednesday morning. Each assembly was separated into three separate parts. Each guide was temporarily hung in place on the locomotive. Rust preventative was liberally applied as the tramming process proceeds.
Elsewhere on site superheater parts were being cut and prepared for welding.
Side rod and bearing covers were redone due to the original wrapping being weathered.
Welding began for the cylinder honing device. This fabrication will bolt to the crosshead shoes and support the motor and gears which will turn the cylinder hone.
The track repair is mostly complete. The engine and tender have been exercised over the full length of the siding. The ballast is holding firm as the engine is rolled over it. With this in mind Wednesday work sessions will resume this week, July 9th.
Saturday will serve as our Annual General Meeting. We will begin at 7:30 am. Those who can arrive a bit early are encouraged to do so and help set up the chairs. It is also our Annual Election Meeting to elect members to the Board. Please plan to attend and vote. No write-ins are allowed per our By-laws.
Hope to see everyone and plan to wear lots of sunscreen and drink lots of water. It gets hot out there these days when it’s not raining.
And as always…
Keep on Steamin’,
Rick Kirby, CMO