January 07, 2015
January typically is our coldest month here in Albuquerque and our first work session in 2015 was no exception. The air temps were in the low 20’s.
As the work force began to arrive a few at a time jobs were handed out. Superheater tube work began again fabricating defective parts.
The machine shop continued repairing steam valve timing slides and assisting the superheater crew build needed parts.
Another shipment of heat treated pins and bushings for the brake linkages arrived last week. We expect one more shipment of pins to go out shortly.
Bob D. has informed me the trailing truck brake shoes will be shipped this week. With all the pins, bushings and shoes on hand we will be able to finish up the trailing truck brakes. Driver shoes should follow shortly.
Copper seals are still being installed under the flexible staybolt plugs.
Welding of slightly wasted sleeves resumed this week. Most of them are on top of the firebox crown.
The throttle lever was temporarily bolted in place so an upper bracket can be designed and fabricated. It had been separated from the main part of the frame so it could be removed. None of the stud bolts which attach the throttle lever to the backhead could be loosened necessitating the separation. This bracket was some of the parts stolen for scrap two and a half years ago. This bracket will be much easier to fabricate than the cab brackets.
As a reminder the first safety refresher will begin this coming Saturday, January 10, 2015 at 7:30 AM at the Golden Corral restaurant at 5207 San Mateo NE. It is $8.92 for the buffet and the restaurant is between Montgomery and McLeod (south of McLeod). The general meeting will follow the safety refresher. And also as a reminder your membership must be paid in order for you to work on the site. Please be sure to get that in to Gail so she can mark you as paid for the year.
Thanks for your continued support in the successes of 2926, and as always . . .
Keep on Steamin’,
Rick Kirby, CMO