February 3, 2016
Two more cold morning starts and mild afternoons this week.
Workers fabricated a replica of the handle which operates the injector steam valve. All the related parts were located and installed.
Another bracket was fabricated for the PZA air brake component. It was welded to the main bracket fabricated previous sessions.
Holes were drilled in the cab gauge cluster bracket. The new cold water flow and pressure gauges were temporarily mounted as we progress with the cab instrumentation layout.
The fireman’s manifold steam supply pipe was installed which had previously been insulated and coated.
Studs which attach the turret brackets and its supply pipe brackets were thread chased and brackets installed with new spacers. The turret was then set on its supports.
One of the sander pipe clamps was missing so workers built a new one and installed it.
More pipes were insulated and coated. I have ordered more of the special insulation and the supplier is now out of stock. The remainder of the orders will be shipped in two weeks.
New pipe unions were procured and installed on the ends of the air brake radiator piping.
Folks, don’t forget about our engine house fundraiser. Please send what you can as we have raised about 66% of our goal. Each dollar raised will be equally matched from one generous soul.
Hope to see you at the site this week, and as always . . .
Keep on Steamin’,
Rick Kirby, CMO