April 30, 2018
Repairs to the flue sandbox are underway as cardboard templates were cut to fit the wasted areas of the sandbox bottom and back. These were then transferred to metal sheets. The two pieces were cut, ground clean and slowly trimmed to fit the enclosure. They will be seal-welded over the wasted areas. The leaker was also drilled, tapped and a pipe plug installed.
While this was going on the inner portion of the box was being carefully cleaned for future welding.
Alterations are also being done to the upper injector pipe. It was refabricated out of state and needs a little bit of pipefitting magic to get it in proper alignment with the injector valve. This was where one of our water leaks showed up during the recent full boiler hydro.
The threads on the whistle also leaked. It was removed carefully, cleaned then reinstalled.
The manway also had a few seeps so it’s nuts were re-torqued. Some original unions also leaked. They were either checked for being tight or replaced.
The next New Member orientation will be held on May 12th, which is the same day as the General Meeting on the site. The meeting will begin at 0730 and the New Member class will begin at 0900 sharp in the reefer office.
We’re getting there folks, but still a few things are left to do. This week looks good for work weather-wise if not too windy, but we’ll be working for sure; and as always . . .
Keep on Steamin’,
Rick Kirby, CMO