July 15, 2014
Our rainy season has arrived, mostly during the evening hours. One of the G.F.I. receptacles kicked out which in turn disabled one of the welding rod ovens so no pipe welding was accomplished Wednesday. However, other non critical welding projects were done. The cylinder hone holding device was welded together. On Saturday it’s hydraulic motor, shafts and sprockets were mounted. An idler block will be fabricated for the drive chain so it can be tightened.
Tramming pointers and lubrication fittings were being fabricated.
More parts and various areas of the locomotive were being cleaned and painted.
Used railroad ties were procured which were laid to restore the original wood crossing east of the restoration areas. More will be laid at the 8th street gate for vehicle access.
Maintenance for the installed side rods was performed and a coat of rust inhibitor was applied.
Welding was done on wasted areas around flexible staybolt sleeves.
The Society’s Official Annual meeting was held on Saturday. Board members were announced as the election was concluded. Three positions were up for election. Since there were only three candidates for the election we didn’t have a paper ballot per our By-Laws. Returning to the Board was President Dr. Mike Hartshorne, our indispensable Don MacCornack and a new member to the Board is John Gibbons who will be taking the position of Treasurer. We haven’t had Officer elections yet, but he’s been strong-armed to take this position.
The out-going Treasurer, Ernie “Moneybags” Robart, after serving faithfully for nine years, requested that someone else take over that position. We thank Ernie for his gracious service all these years!!
If you’ve given to our Society with Superheater Bundles, or other donations during the first two quarters you might have noticed you’ve been getting a tax letter. Our Secretary, Gail Kirby, decided it was easier to keep up with the amounts each quarter. You will not get one at the end of the year, so keep those letters if you need them. Keep those donations coming and help get 2926 back on the rails!
Hope to see you at the site this week, and as always . . .
Keep on Steamin’,
Rick Kirby, CMO