August 26, 2013
This week fabrication of the replacement cab brackets continued. The welding of the two inner brackets was completed. The remaining mounting holes are being drilled and tweaked for final fit.
Telltale hole drilling of the small air brake reservoir tank was completed. Burrs from the drilling process were removed. Both tanks are now ready for paint.
Various pipes related to the blow down valves were located and removed from storage. Some were still in need of cleaning and paint. One piece was shortened and rethreaded due to the unavailability of exact replacement fittings.
The engineer’s side blow down valve was disassembled, inspected and reassembled using new bolts and gasket.
Work continued as men are cutting sheet metal insulation cover plates. These plates are located in the area of the steam cylinders. Some are bolted while others are tack-welded into place.
The water duplex pump was tested with water this week. New check valve springs have been ordered for this pump, but with the mostly worn out springs it pumped surprisingly well.
The never ending work of rethreading the flexible staybolt sleeves and plugs is still ongoing.
The last one of our flues has been sold. The first small tube was sold 1/21/09 and the last small tube was sold 9/7/12. The 1st large tube was sold 10/18/08 and the last was sold on 8/17/13. We have a new campaign you can view on the website to buy “Baby Needs New Shoes.” They’ve been selling, so get yours while they last!
This coming Monday is Labor Day. (9/2/13) I would like to know how many workers will be on site this Saturday. Please email me and let me know if you plan to work. Or you can let me know Wednesday if you are there.
. . . and as always,
Keep on Steamin’,
Rick Kirby, CMO