October 7, 2015
Much of our time on Wednesday was taken up removing and storing open house displays, supplies and engine equipment.
We did however receive the new running boards from Reliance Steel next door. The mounting holes were being punched out. all the holes are either square or rectangle to accommodate the round headed carriage bolts. Volunteers began cutting away the access steel so as to conform to the boiler sides.
We also were able to reinstall the fireman’s side combustion air tube assembly together with its baffle cover.
The remaining cab bolts were installed and tightened as needed.
We manufactured a wooden and fiberboard mock-up of the brake stand and adjusted its height. We now know how much to shorten the steel one salvaged from another locomotive utilizing 26L brake equipment.
As with most work sessions broken stud bolts were being removed for replacement.
ATTENTION NEW MEMBERS!!!! A new member class is being held this coming Saturday at 9:00 AM in the reefer office. Please be on time.
Our general membership meeting is also this week starting at 7:30 AM. We will not be going to our winter hours until probably the first Saturday of November, the 7th. It’s been too nice to give up those precious hours to work on the locomotive.
Hope to see you at the site this week, and as always . . .
Keep on Steamin’,
Rick Kirby, CMO