May 10, 2017
Since my last writing we are still dealing with those old pesky rigid staybolts and stud bolt leaks. We performed two low pressure water tests to work on the leaks we discovered during the last hydro.
This past Wednesday we performed a normal hydro bringing the pressure up to 125% of operating pressure over the course of an hour. This revealed leaks not shown at 125 PSI, however, the ones we worked on previously held tight. Our FRA inspector, Dan L., was on site during the most recent hydro and was very pleased as to the quality of the welding.
As usual air brake piping, miscellaneous control piping, tender MU and brake pipe brackets were being installed.
Jacketing crew members are still hard at work fitting the sheet metal around the engine.
Several weeks ago I ran across a paint and body shop owner, which expressed interest in painting the jacketing parts. I provided him with an inspection window cover to see how well his painting skills were. After visiting the site and presenting a proposal the Board of Directors voted to hire him to do all the jacketing. All the adhesive letters that adorned the tender all these years are now removed and the tender will be repainted along with the jacketing.
When the tender is complete, new letters will go on with the proper font hopefully to the satisfaction of all those who noticed our temporary letters and numbers were not correct as to the font.
As a reminder our summer hours begin this Saturday. The general membership meeting will begin at 7:30 AM.
Also, all Board of Director’s nominations must be submitted this Saturday, May 13th.
Weather seems to be good this week so hope to see everyone there, and as usuals . . .
Keep on Steamin’,
Rick Kirby, CMO