April 26, 2017
This week we performed another low pressure hydro test on the boiler and found still more pesky stud bolt leaks. The boiler was drained and work began on the stud bolts and one small washout plug which was almost inaccessible and three more small ones on top.
A bolt-on jig was fabricated for the removal of a few steam cylinder head bolts.
Many of our pipes have had to be rebuilt and new bends replicated.
Jon, our Safety Officer, directed our electrical gurus as they installed a new railroad radio in Lurch’s cab.
The large heavy duty valve came in this week. Due to space constraints it was disassembled and the body was installed and the valve was then reassembled.
More bracket work on the tender was installed for the brake lines and MU conduit.
All the primary electrical wire also arrived this week.
Work has begun on the tender removing the old vinyl numbers/letters which were installed prior to obtaining the official font. These letters and numbers were put on way back when the tender was completed.
And as always 26L air brake work is on-going.
Our summer hours will begin next month on May 13th, which is also our General Meeting which will begin at 7:30 AM. Please arrive early enough to get our chairs put out for the meeting to begin.
Weather this week has been a bit cool but nice during the daytime if the wind doesn’t blow. Rain yesterday was a welcome relief to the drought. Hope to see everyone at the site this week, and as always . . .
Keep on Steamin’,
Rick Kirby, CMO