January 25, 2017
This week began, what has come to be known at the 2926, a surge week. Like our pit project, siding reconstruction, and engine house, we’re doing overlay welding in various locations where UT measurements were shown to be marginal. Volunteers have been showing up six days a week to finish the work.
Elsewhere on site, control rods to the turret valves are being installed.
The continuous blow down equipment was also put in place.
We had an out of town guest from California on site Wednesday and Saturday. John H. who fabricated the flow and foam meter instruments was here to consult with Bill R. and Paul B. as they design the electrical systems and the interactions with the air brake equipment for now and the future.
As usual work continued on the superheater hydro testing, fitting sheet metal jacketing, cab piping and air brake component mounting and piping.
On Saturday we conducted conducted the annual safety refresher at the Local 412 Plumbers and Pipefitters Union Hall. Many thanks go out to their members and officers for allowing us to use their facility.
Dr. Mike provided a burrito breakfast to all the attendees. Warren Scholl officiated the nearly four hour introduction to GCOR requirements and blue flag procedures.
Also we had some photographers from Rail Pictures taking shots of the locomotive and volunteers a couple days. If you’d like to visit the website it would be appreciated. Just copy and past this website into your browser: http://railpictures.net/ and we found four photos of 2926 on the website. In order to find them go under the map on the first page and there’s a menu and I put in the loco type of steam 4-8-4 and then under state put NM and it will bring up the photos to view.
It’s going to be a cold week here in the big “Q”, so bundle up and come on down to work, and as always . . .
Keep on Steamin’,
Rick Kirby, CMO