April 12, 2017
This week we again water tested the boiler. We used a portable fire pump to bring the pressure to 120 PSI. We found more staybolt plugs leaking on top. The water was lowered to a level so the plugs could be removed. They were replaced and other preparations were made for a higher pressure test on Saturday with a rented hydro machine. The water pressure on Saturday went easily to 375 PSI, however other leaks were found including a washout plug leaking profusely. The hand valve on the manway was also leaking through and it was plugged. A couple of equipment boiler studs were also leaking. All these items will be addressed this week. The results did show however that we will be able to achieve a successful hydro test.
The air brake crew continue testing the operation of the 26L brake system and performing some minor troubleshooting.
Other workers fabricated pipe supports that await to be welded to the locomotive.
Volunteers also welded the fabricated pipe supports to the tender which will support air brake lines and the MU cable.
Other folks painted various parts and made stencils for painting the MU receptacles.
For all you folks who have complained about the letters on the tender, they are now being removed. The templates for the letters have been completed.
The jacketing crew are making steady progress on that tedious project.
At our Saturday general membership meeting it was announced that nominations for three Board of Director’s positions were open. Nominations will close the 2nd Saturday of May.
I also announced the summer work hours will commence on May 13th. Start time will be 7:30 AM for the general meeting that day and all the work days to follow until further notice. Closing time will be around 2 – 2:30 PM or until it’s too hot to work. Visitors are urged to call before coming if later in the day during summer hours.
It was a nice day today to work outside and Saturday should be as well. Look forward to seeing everyone at the site this week, and as always . . .
Keep on Steamin’,
Rick Kirby, CMO