Our intrepid CMO was in Page, AZ last Saturday and may return sometime tomorrow, but for the time being I’ll do my best to make the report.
Fabrication of the large pipe that connects the engineer’s cylinder exhaust to the hot water heater took a major step last week as a trial fit was made so further pipe fabrication could be made. A few mods were required requiring a spacer but the complex assembly is a real work or art.
More finishing was done on the cab woodwork. An incredible piece of work. Sealer was applied to all surfaces. Are we sure we really want to slop green paint over that nice pine?
Oil was drained from the 1 and 2 driver bearings boxes, flushed with diesel, and they will be refilled with oil tomorrow. The used diesel will be dumped into the tender to help liquify the sludge on the bottom of the oil tank.
Honing was done on two of the engine brake cylinders and we are trying to figure out what kind of rube goldberg rig we need to make to make the install of the brake piston less of a back breaker.
More grinding was done on staybolt sleeves, and tomorrow we will look at the staybolt sleeve casting sample. First pass looks like some adjustments need to be made before casting begins.
Tomorrow we need to make our plan for mounting the whistle to the tender and for Nat’l Train Day.
Lots of painting going on and more to be done tomorrow along with some insulation fitting.
One of the steam cylinders was cleaned up and inspected, the other to be done tomorrow.
A design has been discussed for the cylinder centering device to help align the crosshead guides when they arrive from AZ.
Keep on Steamin’!!!!
Bob DeGroft, VP
***Thanks to Bob D. for doing this report in Rick’s absence and for assisting the work sessions! – Gail.