August 12, 2013
August began with a bit lower temperatures here in ABQ.
Our large press cylinder repair was completed and was reassembled into its frame.
Weld test coupons were prepared for Carlos to take a MIG 6-G test. The test was completed Saturday and straps were cut. They will be prepped and bent next week.
The fireman’s side inner cab bracket fabrication continued Wednesday. One more day of welding will be necessary then the final holes will be drilled in both inner cab brackets.
Partial removal of the flexible staybolt sleeve filet welds began Wednesday. This will allow an even fit for the new sleeves prior to their welding to the boiler.
More steam pipes associated with the root valve were located from storage. One needed a repair weld and the other was refabricated.
The newly fabricated number one driver air brake slack adjuster was assembled and installed on the locomotive. Several volunteers were required to hoist it up and secure it into place. Work on the missing trailing truck slack adjuster will resume this week. Most of the parts have been fabricated and are waiting for welding to be done.
Painting of various pipes and frame parts continues with much more to be done.
The weather this week looks to be good so I hope to see you at the site, and as always . . .
Keep on Steamin’,
Rick Kirby, CMO