September 5, 2016
That was the week that was, Dr. Mike substituting, August 31 and September 3, 2016. (Once again Madame Secretary Gail and CMO Rick were tied up doctoring so this job fell to a less qualified observer!)
A new tank farm and high capacity air compressor required some plumbing, structural, and electrical work which is still in progress.
The sand traps (valves) for the sand dome are being installed one at a time with a lot of fitting work as the air and sand lines are hard to connect. Some of these lines are rusted out and bent so new ones are being made. Three are on. Five remain to be installed. Simultaneous adjustments to the sand lines next to the drivers are being made down below.
Work continues making and fitting new pipes and fitting flexible air lines under the cab for the 26L brake system. This is a complicated and tedious job.
Work continues to pressure test superheater bundles. Each bundle is heavy to lug around and the call goes out for “many strong men” several times a day.
Glass is being fitted for the cab windows and a replacement for a broken Lurch window.
Sheet metal jacketing is being fabricated off site for the steam chests.
The automatic bell ringer required more adjustment and a new stud which was made in the machine shop to replace one that was completely rusted together with its nut.
Wild Bill and his wife Vicki started a new tradition for Labor Day by bring their homemade ice cream in large quantities. Most of the lunch gang had both Peach and Strawberry ice cream. There were smiles everywhere. Thanks Bill and Vicki. It was great!
Dr. Mike Hartshorne
President, NMSL&RHS