November 17, 2015
Winter is surely here now as our first snow fell Tuesday. Overnight lows are now into the 20’s. Another four cold months ahead for our volunteers working on the 2926.
All of the new foot boards have now been removed and painted. Crews worked hard removing surface rust that accumulated while the final fit-up was ongoing.
Flexible staybolt plugs are still being removed, their threads are being re-chased then checked to insure they fully seat onto the copper ring seal.
The forward corner of the fireman’s side ash pan was in need of repair as it had signs of metal wasting. New parts were fabricated and bolt holes were being drilled when needed.
Brake shoes are still being custom fitted to their supports to insure all contact pressure points will have equal amount of stress applied to the shoes.
Welding on the sand dome is nearly complete. Most of the welds have been ground and sanded smooth. Soon it will receive a shiny coat of black paint weather permitting.
Another ongoing project is the lubrication lines. They are being removed, cleaned and repaired if necessary.
Hope to see everyone at the site this week, and as always . . . .
Keep on Steamin’,
Rick Kirby, CMO